Delayed Birth Registration/Birth Correction
Delayed Birth Registration
To apply for a Delayed Birth Registration through this Probate Court, you must have been born in the State of Ohio.
You will need to provide the Court with a “No-Record” Letter from the Ohio Department of Health, Vital Statistics. Once you have this “No-Record” Letter, you must present the Court with three valid documents to prove the exact date and place of your birth and your parent’s names. Below is an example of evidence that may be used in this Court:
- Certificate of Baptism
- Federal Census Records
- Notarized Affidavit of a witness to the birth (including mother and father)
- Notarized Affidavit of a relative at least 8 years older than applicant
- School records or transcripts with an original signature from the records secretary.
- Honorable Discharge from U.S. Armed Forces (DD 214)
- Certified Copy of Application for Marriage License
- Life Insurance Policy showing date and place of birth
- Letter from a hospital or doctor on letterhead (indicating vital information)
- Certified copy of applicant’s child’s birth certificate
The fee for a Delayed Birth Registration is $28.50.
Birth Record Correction
To apply for a Birth Record Correction through this Probate Court, you must have been born in Ohio and either have: (1) been born in Hardin County; (2) your mother was a resident of Hardin County at the time of your birth; or (3) you now reside in Hardin County. You must present the Court with three valid documents to prove the information that you wish to correct. Below is an example of evidence that may be used in this Court:
- Certificate of Baptism
- Federal Census Records
- Notarized Affidavit of a witness to the birth (including mother and father)
- Notarized Affidavit of a relative at least 8 years older than applicant
- School records or transcripts with an original signature from the records secretary.
- Honorable Discharge from U.S. Armed Forces (DD 214)
- Certified Copy of Application for Marriage License
- Life Insurance Policy showing date and place of birth
- Letter from a hospital or doctor on letterhead (indicating vital information)
- Certified copy of applicant’s child’s birth certificate
To correct the sex of an adult’s birth certificate, a doctor’s letter (on letterhead) stating that no surgery for sexual reassignment has taken place, is mandatory.
The Fee for a Birth Record Correction is $26.50.